A Better Way to Coach

Your athletes look up to you for guidance in every area of life—physical, mental, emotional, relational, and spiritual. But, you can’t give what you don’t already have.

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You are more than a coach.

  • You’re a leader.
  • You’re a guide.
  • You’re a mentor.

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Why 360?

FCA wants to help you become the best coach you can be. We’re here to help you experience transformation and wholeness through Jesus so you can reflect Him to your athletes.

Hearts, Minds, and Bodies

We care about every role you play in every aspect of your life. The concept of “360” is rooted in the idea that our hearts, minds and bodies are interconnected; all three parts work together to form us into who we are. As coaches, what’s in our hearts affects our thoughts and minds. How we treat our bodies impacts our hearts. 

No Gaps

How we act and what we say influences our athletes. It’s a cycle that must be whole and complete—no gaps—everything surrendered to Christ. 

The 360 Coach Bible Study is a companion resource to guide you through a biblical approach to coaching the heart, mind and body. Each lesson explores the biblical truths outlined in 360 Coach and how they apply to your life as a coach. Use the 360 Coach Bible Study and Journal to enhance your individual, Coaches Huddle, or 1-on-1 studies.

Additional Resources

Global Coaching Community

By taking the 360 Coach course, you will be joining a global community of coaches who also desire to live out the Kingdom of God in every area of their lives. We want to help you become whole and complete in Christ, lacking nothing, so you can help your athletes become whole and complete as well.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes © 2021
8701 Leeds Road | Kansas City, MO 64129

Phone: 800.289.0909

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